Sew Much More

November 9, 2007

Potty Party Day

Filed under: uncraftiness — by michellew @ 3:02 pm

So I’m sure you didn’t realize that this is a craft blog AND a potty training blog.  Hey we got creative with the party today, so it counts!

I decided on a whim this morning to give potty party day a try.  We blew up balloons, hung streamers from the shower rod and stocked up on underwear, juice, salty snacks, wipes, towels and lots of books. 

The kids were way into having a party in the bathroom and I think sat for like an hour straight in the first attempt to go.  They actually sat mostly on and some off of the potty for about 3 hours straight, 2 pee successes for alice, none for caleb, 4 peeing in underwear accidents for alice, 1 pee in underwear for caleb and 1 on the floor 10 seconds after he got off the potty!  I was getting really tired of it, but they were loving it!  We read books, drank juice, ate salty snacks, drank juice, played potty roll play with finger puppets, drank juice, etc etc.  Alice got a little playhouse from bob’s parents when they were last here and it came with these little white chairs, well alice thinks they are potties.  She’s always taking one of the fisher price people around the house and telling them what a good job they did on the potty and now they get an “eh eh” (m&m).  Hilarious!  So we used those little people and the white “potties” too.  All of the little finger puppets had a turn on the little white potties.  

By lunch time I was officially tired of potty day, but got a second wind after lunch and we headed back in.  Alice actually pooped and peed on the potty after lunch!  I’m not surprised because they both almost always poop after lunch.  I was hoping Caleb would, but he didn’t.  We went outside to play for half an hour before naps, with diapers on and that’s when he decided to go, oh well.  A full day of sitting on the potty and he didn’t go in it once.  In the middle of the morning “session” he was begging for his diaper, so I put it on him.  So I was very surprised when I put him down for naps that he said, “when I get up from nappies, I wanna try on the potty again!”  I was shocked.  I told him how proud I was and that we could keep trying and see what happens.  I was hoping for at least one success for him, but he’ll get there.  

This was just kind of an experiment to see if they really are ready or not.  It seems Alice is more ready, tho it also seems she doesn’t feel it coming to tell me its coming and make it to the potty.  So we’ll see how they do.  I may just decide to hold off on efforts till they seem more ready, but with Alice going in the potty, she is doing well already!  Caleb definitely has the personality where he needs a lot of encouragement to try new things.  Somehow I just don’t see him just all of the sudden deciding one day that he’s ready to do it.  I think he’s going to need prodding and a little pushing.  He’s very good at encouraging Alice in her success, and I think that’s giving him some motivation too.  Even if he didn’t go, he definitely had a lot of fun at potty party day.  Well I’m partied out, or should I say I’m pooped?  Time for a nap.

Here’s the kids excited and trying, plus a pic of our party stash.

 dsc04742.jpg  dsc04739.jpg  dsc04741.jpg


  1. Good job Caleb and Alice! And good job, Michelle, for sticking with it all day. It sounded like a lot of fun.

    Comment by Erin — November 9, 2007 @ 7:39 pm |Reply

  2. Great ideas, Michelle! I feel like I’ve been potty-training Livia since she was curious about the little potty chair at 20 months. And she’s 3.5 now and still having accidents here and there.

    Comment by RT — November 12, 2007 @ 10:26 am |Reply

  3. Wow, you are doing two at a time! Good for you! PT has been doing well for Fuller. He really gets it with fewer accidents.

    Comment by alli — November 12, 2007 @ 5:24 pm |Reply

  4. Right now, we just do Potty Awareness. He just doesn’t show enough readiness signs yet, even though he likes to sit on the potty and will sometimes even go. So like Rebecca, I’m sort of taking the long view of PT. Or maybe I’m just a wimp. heh, heh.

    (I did find the Pantley very helpful at putting my mind at ease: Don’t mean to harp on anything. Just sharing love.)

    Comment by Jeannette — November 12, 2007 @ 9:43 pm |Reply

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